Top 10) Frequently Asked Fitness Questions, Answered



Jun 13, 2023

Anyone who’s started a new fitness routine - whether it be clipping in for your first cycling class, grabbing something heavy to lift, or starting a weight loss journey - has kicked it all off with at least a question or two!.

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13 Fitness Questions Every Beginner Has, Answered



Jun 13, 2023

When it comes to getting started on your fitness journey and finding an exercise routine that works for you, it can be hard to know where to start when there are so many different training styles, opinions and new terminology to get your head around. ...

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Frequently asked questions - yoga and classes



Jun 13, 2023

If you have any questions not answered here, please do not hesitate to get in touch. No question is silly!

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Yoga FAQs



Jun 13, 2023

The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word meaning union. It is an ancient system of physical and psychic practice that originated during the Indus Valley civilization in South Asia. The first written records of this methodology appeared around ...

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5 Fitness Tips for Students



Jun 13, 2023

Once university begins many students suddenly find themselves in new routines, which usually do not involve the words "fitness" and "exercise", a.k.a. a healthy, academically productive lifestyle. Here's five top tips on how to break the vicious cycl ...

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12 Most Frequently Asked Fitness Questions



Jun 13, 2023

A personal trainer gets tons of fitness questions about exercises, diets, fat loss and so on

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