Jun 13, 2023

13 Fitness Questions Every Beginner Has, Answered

Before your first workout

How often should I exercise?

This comes down to , lifestyle and current fitness level. For those who are new or returning to exercise, aiming for two to three workouts each week is a great place to start to build your fitness while giving your body time to recover. Once that’s feeling easier, you can add more workouts to your weekly schedule! When your fitness increases, you might be doing between four and six workouts each week.

In addition to your workouts, adding in gentle movement like walking, cycling or yoga can help to build your fitness and stay active throughout the week.

What time of day is best to work out? 

is whenever you can fit it in! Have a look at your schedule and figure out what time of day is best for you.

If your routine is flexible, think about when you feel most energetic, or when you would prefer to exercise. Morning workouts can be an energising way to start the day for some, while others prefer working out in the afternoons or evenings. 

Consistency is what matters, so focus on working out when it works best for you, which will make it more enjoyable and easier to stick to!

How long should my workouts be? 

Again, this depends on what works for your lifestyle. For adults, the recommends at least 150-300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity, or at least 75-150 minutes each week of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity. 

No matter where your starting point is, our range of Sweat programs help you to build consistency in your training, offering workouts as quick as 10 minute and longer workouts that will take you around 45 minutes to complete. Remember, something is better than nothing! Even fitting in a daily walk can help you reach your fitness goals.

If your diary doesn’t have many longer blocks of time available, you can exercise in shorter, more frequent bursts of 10 to 20 minutes. Take a look at the in the On Demand section of the Sweat app to get started. There are so many and .

Do I need to warm up before my workouts?

You bet! We know it can be tempting to get straight into it, especially if you’re short on time, but a is really important. 

According to the warming up and cooling down may help reduce your risk of injury and improve performance. A good warm-up prepares your body for activity, raises your body temperature and increases blood flow to your muscles.

A simple warm-up can be five minutes of cardio or some dynamic stretching of the muscles you are about to use. Each workout in the Sweat app comes with optional warm-ups you can follow. 

Should I do strength training, cardio or both? 

We recommend a mixture of and . Alternating between the two is a good way to find balance. Why both and not just one? Because you want to reap the benefits of each! 

, two to three strength-based workouts each week can result in significant health benefits, such as increased muscle mass, stronger bones, boosted metabolism, better posture, balance and joint flexibility. Research shows it also can and have a .

Regularly increasing your heart rate and blood flow by adding cardio into your routine can also promote heart, , and health, as well as and .

Should I lift weights for strength training? 

Resistance training is how you increase your muscle mass, strength and overall health, but how you do it is up to you! Many women enjoy weight or free weights such as dumbbells, kettlebells or a barbell, while others prefer

Try any of our zero equipment workouts and you’ll quickly realise bodyweight exercises can be just as challenging!

Experiment and figure out what you enjoy the most - from weighted workouts to HIIT, zero equipment, pilates, boxing and barre, there are a huge variety of strength in the Sweat app. 

Is there any fitness terminology that would be helpful for me to know?

Before you get started, read our so you can tell your AMRAP from your RPE. 

When you’ve started working out

I’m struggling to get through my workouts. What should I do?

During your first few weeks of a new fitness routine, there’s a chance you might struggle to reach the end of a workout or you may need to take regular breaks. That’s ok! The important thing is to keep persisting each day and your fitness will slowly build. 

Although we want you to challenge yourself, pushing yourself too hard can lead to or injury, so know your limits and be patient as your strength and endurance increase. You’ll be smashing your workouts in no time!

If you’re struggling during your workouts, here are some ways to reduce the difficulty:



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