Jun 13, 2023

5 Fitness Tips for Students

1. Find a fitness buddy

Finding the motivation to fit in your exercise after a busy day at university can be a struggle. If this is the case for you, then maybe asking a friend to join you on your fitness journey is a good idea.

Having a fitness buddy accompany you during workouts can be extremely rewarding, as you can provide a source of motivation and support for one another.

A fitness buddy can add a more social aspect to your exercise routine, and you may even start to look forward to your work outs and the opportunity to catch up. Together, you can help to encourage one another and make sure that you both stay on track.

2. Join a sports club

Aston University offers a number of sports clubs and societies that you will always be welcome to join. Whether it’s football, hockey, rugby, table tennis or rowing you prefer, you should be left spoilt for choice with the amount of clubs on offer. If the prospect of going alone is rather daunting for you, why not ask a friend to come along with you?

Alternatively, you may even want to start up your own sports team and go in search of new teammates. The camaraderie can be a great way to socialise and make new friends, whilst also fitting in your exercise.



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